The Lake

Dedicated to the people, the days, the feelings, thoughts and moments who make this lake what it is today: our home.

The following is a collection of memories from the lake that I gathered from family members in preparation for this book. It is a gift to my grandparents, partially in thanks for letting us share the house and live with them for a few months, but also because it’s important to let them know just how much this place they created means to us. It’s never too late to say how you feel, and our time here is limited. The images were gathered over a period of a few months this spring, when the water was low, the grass was tall, and the light was just right. I’d go on a run and come back to the perfect amount of sun coming down over the water. And I’m so pleased I decided to grab the camera each time.

My best memories from the lake are ones of the family just being okay with just hanging out with each other at the end of the day with a fire and songs. It was like that even before the house was there and it’s great that it’s continued after the house has been built, we’re all together and that is the best. I like the lake because we sing during campfires and we do a lot of fun things like swimming, fishing, kayaking, having meals together, and playing games. Blue boats going down the hill, soap on a rope, smell of freshly cut grass, bonfires, Enoch and Erma, took “hours” to get there when we were little, wonderful float parties with family and friends, wonderful memory of being there with family the day after my wedding, “interesting” Christmas trees, one holer experience. Thank you Burt and Clare for us to bond as a family. This little slice of heaven has given me and my family some of our favorite memories…campfire sing-alongs, Beth island, family dogs everywhere, cookouts, campouts, long, lazy floats in the lake with friends and family and so many more memories that are equally special. Sawyer Slough has always been one of my favorite places to relax and recharge. It’s played a major part in making our family as close as it is. The lake is a place I find great artistic inspiration, not only in its natural beauty, but in the memories of my lifetime and before, that live tangibly in that space. If someone were to ask me what place I considered home, I would say the lake. The lake has always been a place where we can gather and have fun with no judgement and unending laughs. Sometimes I can feel my troubles slipping away as I float in the slough or sit around the campfire. When I think back to my childhood, so many of my memories revolve around this family you have given me and the times we had camping and hanging out at the Sawyer Slough. Words can never express how blessed I feel to have the family I have and the experiences that the lake has given me. Grammy and papa boo, you two have served as an unending representation of what true selflessness and love means. I can only wish to one day be as happy as the two of you are in your marriage and as kind as y’all are to those around you. You two have given so much to this family as a whole and to each of us individually that we will never be able to repay. We all love you so much! My memories are from being there when there was no house, only the camper and a hole in the ground for a toilet. It was all about the lake. I love the sing-a-longs. Just sitting by the fire watching the people I love. Blue boat races down the hill, cleaning out the slough, fishing with rod and reel, smell of freshly cut grass, smell of freshly grilled burgers. In the old days it was work first, play second. It was also work while avoiding the Gravely. Digging a new latrine and hanging the WWII canvas. Golden reflections; Baptized by your waters in; Music, fun, family abound. It’s hard to put into words what the lake means to me. It’s the center of our family. It’s a place for laughter, music, gathering, reminiscing, and tight hugs with the people you love the most. Going to the lake is going home. It is honestly my favorite place in the whole world (especially now that there are multiple functioning bathrooms). It’s the best place to arrive to and one of the saddest places to leave, but every time I do, I always think “Wow, I am so lucky.” Possum Creek is about laying out in the sun on a rubber floaty. It's about conquering Bethisland and using the tarp bathroom. It's about playing music by the fire until the late hours of the night. It's about shredding some wake on the scatback. Most importantly, it's about bringing everybody together no matter where we are. The lake has always been a home, a place where family and friends could come together to enjoy each. I love going to the lake because it reminds me of family and the memories I have made there. I love when we sing around the bonfires, it just feels so perfect and happy when everyone is listening to someone sing or play guitar. Thank you, Grammy and Papa Burt, for keeping it so nice for us all. Peaceful, easy feelings.

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